Sunday, April 11, 2010

GameStop's Offical April Fool's Image

I laughed.GameStop's Offical April Fool's Image
I liked the 'Disney snags bumfights' bit. GameStop's Offical April Fool's Image
Alyx dies :cry:
Very good, I was actually fooled by Rock Band because that's the first thing I look at on the page, then I saw the image quality and guessed it was fake.
Yeah I lold
Looks like Gamspot's homepage to me.
Top 10 games all about monkeys360 paper weightGH handcramp songsSF upskirt shotsand Wii-Fit cheats made me lol.
why is it so different to learn the difference between GAMESPOT and GAMESTOP??.. is it like ASK and AKS or something...?on topic.. i liked the Jaffe Q%26A
meh, nothing is clickable... they shouldn't use Pain to copy/paste stuff - the quality is horrible
Lulz at the David jaffe thing.
The first I clicked on when that page came up was the news article about the gamertag of the pope.Great page though lol''Microsoft comments on rumor and speculation''.. that'd be the day.
the best 4 to me were:-disney bumfights-wii fit game guide -getting to know gamespot: janitor paul-xbox 360 paperweight hands onthose were the ones that really made me laugh
''Wii Fit Cheats - Gamespot breaks down Nintendos revolutionary fitness game without breaking a sweat.'':lol:
lol disney bumfights... still would be funny to see video game versions of rufus and the bumhunter
gamespot forgot that you arent supposed to tell people that it's a joke.their april fools joke is an epic failthis is how you do an april fools joke:
lol @ DS game ''Good Touch Bad Touch''

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