Friday, April 16, 2010

*Please lock*''No one wants to play the same game forever. However, sometimes it is impractical, both for Nintendo and for our customers, to release a new sequel to all our games every year. In order to solve this problem, Nintendo will begin offering the Wii Want More%26trade; service this May. By logging into the Wii Shop Channel players will be able to purchase new content for games they already own for a fraction of the price it would cost to buy a new game.

We are pleased to announce that one of 27 games to make use of the Wii Want More service at its launch will be none other than our very own best selling Super Smash Bros.?Brawl! Starting May 13, 2008, players will be able to add four undisclosed new characters and two new stages to the already large roster included in the stand-alone game for only 10.00 USD. Our customers will be even more pleased to discover that this particular package will be offered completely free of charge for the first month after the launch of Wii Want More. A better deal has never been offered by any company in the Video Game industry.

In addition to Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Nintendo will offer content for The Legend of Zelda? Twilight Princess, Fire Emblem%26trade;: Radiant Dawn, Metroid?Prime 3: Corruption, and Mario Kart?Wii, as well as several titles available through the Wii Ware%26trade; service. Wii Want More will also allow our numerous third party developers to offer downloadable content for both previously released and upcoming games. This spring, be ready to ask for more!'' ....The only thing that makes me think this is an April Fool's Joke is that Sakurai said he wasn't going to have extra characters up for download... :? Kind of wierd that he would say that and then have announcement completely contradictory to what he said. I hope this is true though. I'd love some more content for TP and Fire Emblem. :D*Please lock*
It's already confirmed fake.*Please lock*
:? Sakurai said there was no way for Brawl to access download content... and Fire Emblem doesn't have any way to connect online. If you go and download the stuff, how will it access the data? That flash memory first off would be killed even faster I'm sure, but the fact that these games don't seem to access any form of connection the the internet baffles me.I'll take it with a grain of salt though, I just don't know about it... but it would be wicked if true...
cool if true
[QUOTE=''Fick1122'']It's already confirmed fake.[/QUOTE]Really? :? That is Nintendo's official site for news though...
This better be an April Fool's Day joke. Sure, it's totally worth paying for new characters Super Smash Bros. Brawl since different characters offer a completely different experience, not to mention because Brawl's so balanced that no character has been proven to be worthless (well, not yet at least as far as I know), but it just doesn't seem right to me.That, and I don't have any of my consoles online. :(
if this was any day but the day before april fools day...i would beleive this...but it just seems to good to be true, cumon megaman!and sakuri said he wasen't going to do any download content, dosen't mean nintendo won't
[QUOTE=''nintendofreak_2''][QUOTE=''Fick1122'']It's already confirmed fake.[/QUOTE]Really? :? That is Nintendo's official site for news though...[/QUOTE]I must admit, it's hard to doubt it's legitamacy nor have I never heard of this till today either, but I'm just questionable about it is all too. I must admit, how can one doubt Nintendo's Press Site (usually for the media/developers to read) even if this isn't posted on

[QUOTE=''nintendofreak_2''][QUOTE=''Fick1122'']It's already confirmed fake.[/QUOTE]Really? :? That is Nintendo's official site for news though...[/QUOTE]I remember Nintendo saying that they wanted to add Downloadable content for Twilight Princess so that one could be true. It was E3 when they first announced the Wii.
April Fools!
[QUOTE=''Nintendo_Ownes7''][QUOTE=''nintendofreak_2''][QUOTE=''Fick1122'']It's already confirmed fake.[/QUOTE]Really? :? That is Nintendo's official site for news though...[/QUOTE]I remembering Nintendo saying that they wanted to add Downloadable content for Twilight Princess so that one could be true.[/QUOTE]

Yea I remember that also.... PLZ god give me brawl characters and twilight princess.
[QUOTE=''Technoweirdo'']This better be an April Fool's Day joke. Sure, it's totally worth paying for new characters Super Smash Bros. Brawl since different characters offer a completely different experience, not to mention because Brawl's so balanced that no character has been proven to be worthless (well, not yet at least as far as I know), but it just doesn't seem right to me.That, and I don't have any of my consoles online. :([/QUOTE]No fighting game has ever had a cast of characters that are ''all balanced.'' It isn't to do with cheapness or tricks really, but in terms of teir levels, there are always characters who will perform better than others. It still doesn't mean a low tier character with a good player can't be a mid or high tier character with a good player too. But rule of thumb in fighters is, you can't always make everyone balanced or ''the best.'' There hasn't been any real findings of balance and tiers for Brawl yet, but you will see soon that some characters just can't compare to others in tiers.
[QUOTE=''yoshi_64'']I must admit, it's hard to doubt it's legitamacy nor have I never heard of this till today either, but I'm just questionable about it is all too. I must admit, how can one doubt Nintendo's Press Site (usually for the media/developers to read) even if this isn't posted on
[/QUOTE]It's fake. :( Look at the url. It has that 110mb thing after it. Someone else just made it look like Nintendo's press site. >_> Dang it. Lock this thread mods.
what a horrible name -Pay to Play-
is not even april.. yet

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