Friday, April 16, 2010

if you ever had a hard time understandin ...

then these videos should sum it up rather well.Metal gear awesome: Metal gear awesome 2: kinda old but still funnyif you ever had a hard time understandin ...
I love these. Those were my exact reactions while playing.if you ever had a hard time understandin ...
I followed MGS2 pretty well untill the story involved an arm carrying the personality of somebody else managed to control Oncelot via a transplant.
[QUOTE=''Shazenab'']I followed MGS2 pretty well untill the story involved an arm carrying the personality of somebody else managed to control Oncelot via a transplant.[/QUOTE]That and that confusion wheter or not rose was it? actually existedso a civilian who happens to be your girlfriend is working on a top secret mission for the goverment, and yet after a small chat raiden just believes her, but wait, then you find out she doesnt exist, they were just brainwashing you during the mission, but wait, the brainwashing actually a lie, she does exist now, i mean seriously i can just picture Kojima writing the script ''ok so lets see... how can i make this game even longer and weirder.... OOHH I KNOW!!! lets say snakes codename is really badger and that this is all just the dream of a 10 year old boy, nobody will expect that and that way the arm thing on ocelot makes sense''
The hilarity is off the charts, and its a true down to the letter for each reaction, awesome game, awesome parody
Made me laugh :lol: , thanks for sharing it.
damn funny.

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